When there are problems with appetite, we give up certain dishes or we do not care about the quality of meals at all, and then the body’s balance is seriously disturbed. Important aspects that are overlooked in the nutrition of the elderly are lack of appetite and difficulty in chewing and swallowing. We can arouse the appetite by preparing dishes that are not only tasty, but also attractive to our eyes, that look colorful and beautiful that you want to eat. This is a very important issue because the colors increase the appetite. A wheat roll with pate is not as inviting as a nutritious egg roll, but the addition of spinach leaves and salmon sharpens the taste. Such a green dish already on the plate heralds spring. In addition, the roulade has a soft structure, thanks to which chewing is not difficult. A roulade made with eggs and cottage cheese is very nutritious. It provides a high supply of protein and calcium – we can obtain it not only from dairy products, but also from green spinach leaves, which have an abundance of calcium.
Did you know that a cow gets calcium by eating green grass? It is similar with man. Research shows that much higher calcium absorption into bones is possible when consuming high-calcium plant foods such as kale, spinach, broccoli, nuts, and seeds that need to be soaked before serving to keep them soft and chewy and in a more accessible form penetration of nutrients into our body. Food calcium will only be transported to the bones if the body is adequately saturated with vitamin D, which carries the calcium to the bones. It is worth checking its level by performing a blood test to find out if we have the right amount. Vitamin D is extremely important in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, bone degeneration, but also has a huge impact on the immunity of our body and better well-being, gives greater strength and vitality every day. If your body is deficient, calcium will not be able to fully build bone. Lack of vitamin D results in permanent fatigue and lethargy as well as an increased incidence of many infections.
Spinach roulade
• 250g of fresh spinach
• 1 tablespoon of butter
• 1 clove of garlic
• Salt and pepper, grated nutmeg
• 2 eggs
• 1 flat tablespoon of flour
• ½ packages of cream cheese
• 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish from a jar
• 100g of smoked salmon
Execution: Rinse the fresh spinach thoroughly, drain the water thoroughly and put it in a large pan with the butter. Press the garlic into it and stir so that it wilts but does not burn. Transfer the spinach to a tall dish and blend finely, seasoning with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Cool the mass thoroughly, add beaten egg yolks and flour and mix. Beat the egg whites until stiff and mix gently with the spinach. Grease the bottom of the 20×30 cm form with butter or put a sheet of baking paper on it. Put the resulting mass of spinach into the mold and spread it over the entire surface of the pan. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius and bake for about 10 minutes. Place it gently on a cloth and peel off the baking paper. Immediately after baking, wrap the dough in a cloth and let it cool down completely in this rolled form. Mix the cheese with horseradish (you can lightly season with salt and pepper) and spread on the inside of the cooled roll. Arrange the slices of salmon along one side and roll it into a roulade. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate to let it solidify. Cut into thick slices and eat with gusto.